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Detailed Reviews and Guides about energy and informational health and wellness

March 24, 2025|Editorial

What to Expect From a Quantum Healing Institute

quantum healing institute

Quantum healing institutes take an holistic approach to healing by applying techniques derived from quantum physics. Their holistic healing treatments encompass physical as well as emotional issues, with unique techniques targeting energy fields around the body.

Journaling can be both therapeutic and useful in tracking your progress, as it allows you to keep a record of any changes in symptoms or emotions.

Energy Medicine

Energy medicine refers to practices that use manipulation, direct, and transformation of internal energies in order to achieve physical and emotional balance. Energy healing employs techniques like Reiki, crystal healing, aromatherapy, sound therapy and meditation as well as drawing inspiration from eastern philosophy and traditions for therapeutic benefits. Energy medicine has gained increasing acceptance as an approach to healthcare among healthcare professionals as an adjunctive form of therapy.

This method of healing offers several distinct advantages, chiefly that it addresses disease at its energetic source rather than simply at physical level. Aimed at restoring balance to one’s energy field (known as aura or etheric field) which encompasses physical body and extends from it by several centimeters up to several feet away, disruptions in this flow of energy can cause illness.

Quantum mechanics is also at the core of holistic healthcare, including its notion that particles remain connected despite distance. Spiritual teachings support this idea as it emphasizes our interconnection with everything around us – as such, holistic healthcare approaches have grown increasingly popular across America as people realize the significance of maintaining both their minds, bodies and spirits in health.


Quantum healing offers many physical as well as mental benefits, from stress reduction and anxiety relief, to creating a sense of calmness and well-being. It may help relieve pain and inflammation while strengthening immunity and expediting natural healing processes in the body. Furthermore, quantum healing fosters partnership between practitioner and patient during healing processes for greater patient empowerment and greater patient autonomy.

As more practitioners incorporate energy healing into their practice, it may become the new wave of medicine reform. Energy healing combines the best elements from both western and eastern approaches to healing while taking an integrative approach towards treating patients as whole beings – offering potential help with both acute and chronic ailments alike. Furthermore, it offers safe non-invasive ways of treatment.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy employs vibrational medicine to align and restore a patient’s natural energy frequencies, using vibrational medicine. This therapy works on the basis that each cell, organ and tissue in our bodies has its own resonant frequency; any disruptions of these frequencies can lead to illness. Furthermore, sound frequencies have also been found to synchronize brainwaves from high concentration beta waves to more relaxed theta waves for deep meditation-like states of relaxation and mental clarity. Studies have demonstrated how sound therapy reduces blood pressure, heart rate anxiety as well as improving relaxation and mental clarity.

Quantum healing combines principles from quantum physics, consciousness studies, and Eastern spiritual traditions to view the human body as a complex system of energy and consciousness. It works on eliminating mental patterns that interfere with an individual’s ability to heal themselves; specifically rebalancing vital energy layers within our bodies- these layer are found somewhere between centimeters to feet away from where physical body exists and correlate with health status- this layer connects directly with subconscious minds so any changes there could have an effectful physical manifestation as well.

Quantum healing techniques offer more than tension relief: they may also assist patients in healing the emotional trauma behind their addictions. By creating inner tranquility, balance, and mental clarity through practices that foster inner tranquility and balance these practices provide individuals with essential peace for navigating recovery with greater ease. They may also foster healthier relationships by improving support systems and social circles essential to successful rehabilitation.

When attending a quantum healing session, patients should dress comfortably and ensure they’re in a secure environment. Auster suggests wearing light clothing and bringing blankets or cushions if the session will not take place in an office setting. In addition, eating or drinking beforehand could disrupt relaxation by impacting nervous systems and making relaxation harder than normal. Finally, they should expect an exceptional experience and accept any sensations as part of the process.


Quantum healing is a type of meditation designed to release emotional blocks and realign your energy in harmony. Through visualization, intent, and energy alignment techniques, quantum healing provides a means of clearing away physical, emotional, and mental blockages while tapping into the universe’s unlimited reservoir of energy reserves – with your inner energy tied directly into it and an impactful impactful field which affects body, mind, and emotions health.

Quantum healing‘s science is grounded in the theory of entanglement. This principle states that certain particles, such as electrons or photons, can form bonds even when separated by large distances; energy fields of these particles are interdependent so when one part changes so do other parts.

Quantum healing practitioners believe that to heal oneself, one must visualize an idealized future outcome for themselves. You will then be guided into a hypnotic state to explore your subconscious or past life memories to determine the source of any pain or discomfort you are feeling – this helps release negative energy and break patterns which prevent you from living your full potential!

QHH uses another technique called Reiki, which centers around the idea that your inner energy connects to an infinite reserve in the universe. By tapping into this energy and connecting with it, reiki can help you overcome challenges and reach goals more easily while relieving physical, mental, and emotional pain and improving quality of life. You can receive it from a practitioner or do it on yourself at home.

At home, quantum healing can be practiced using relaxation techniques such as mindfulness meditation and deep breathing exercises; and visualizing desired outcomes. However, it’s important to remember that quantum healing should not replace traditional medicines; any medication you are currently taking should remain unchanged. Before trying this form of alternative healing on your own, consult a doctor first who will advise if this treatment option is safe in relation to your individual circumstances.


Self-healing is an innate process used by both body and mind to restore equilibrium, relieving any pain caused by various triggers. This process can be enhanced using multimodal integrative therapies which address all areas of health – relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, physical fitness training programs, meditation practices – which all can improve health quickly while aiding injury recovery more rapidly. Psychotherapists may be necessary if additional support is required.

People who self-heal tend to be energetic and engaged with their environments. These individuals select or evoke characteristics from environments that match or fit with their goals, emotions and behaviors; this allows them to persevere and thrive during challenging situations. These individuals tend to feel good about themselves while having an increased sense of purpose as well as typically being agreeable and friendly people.

Scientists have designed synthetic material systems that emulate the regenerative and remodeling properties of biological materials. These self-healing materials feature hollow internal networks filled with healing agents triggered by mechanical stress and expand and contract in response to repair damage while creating a protective coating against further crack growth.

Self-healing mechanisms rely on the breakage-reformation of reversible bonds within polymer backbones. This behavior occurs within a narrow compositional range governed by van der Waals interactions and key-and-lock associations between chains; the resultant structures possess higher cohesive energy density values than non-healing copolymers.

Self-healing materials also boast superior mechanical properties compared to similar polymers due to their more balanced molecular structures; as a result, their Young’s modulus and tensile strength is lower, meaning less damage and deformation which could potentially lead to failure and cracking.

Self-healing can be used as an adjunct therapy for mental health disorders like anxiety and depression. Through self-healing techniques you can learn to shift your autonomic nervous system away from disease-inducing “fight or flight” responses towards relaxation responses that promote health. Self-healing may also increase your ability to tune into intuitive, somatic, and emotional intelligences – essential components of whole health intelligences that should not be neglected when treating health conditions.

March 24, 2025|Editorial

Radiesthesia and Radionics

Homoeopathic practitioners will find that using radiesthesia greatly enables their prescribing work. It allows them to accurately test remedies on patients in order to see whether one will help clear up an illness.

At times, they even help patients become completely cured! Through natural treatment methods such as massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments, practitioners are also able to eliminate test infections as well as balance their endocrine systems – often providing long-term relief for their patients.

The History of Radiesthesia

Radiesthesia, an ancient empirical science which has become obscure in modern society due to our focus on material advancement and technology, examines vibrational energy and its relationship to all things. Rediscovered in the early 1900s by two French colleagues Chaumery and De Bellizal — an engineer physician duo — who conducted numerous dowsing experiments; they confirmed their theory by finding all objects emit energetic vibrations which can be detected with pendulum. Furthermore, this polarity transmitted outward from an object can also be detected using pendulum detection – another example of Radiesthesia‘s ancient practice!

Radiesthesia, or “radiaesthesia,” is an ancient art and science which explores our ability to perceive subtle energies using tools like dowsing rods, pendulums and our bodies. Radiesthesia was practiced throughout history by different cultures around the globe – such as European Jesuits who used it in foreign lands to locate herbal remedies or underground water sources; Abbe Mermet was famous for using his skill at finding both water as well as mines or bombs during World War One using only his dowsing rod and shuttle – credits with saving many lives during that conflict period!

Medical radiesthesia, also known as “dowsing for health and healing purposes”, is one of the primary applications of radiesthesia. Dowsers utilize it to identify hidden causes of illness not detectable with modern diagnostic equipment and to provide remedies to heal. Furthermore, it allows practitioners to locate surgical incision sites as well as determine the exact dosage for herbal remedies.

Dowsing is an ancient technique based on the principle that all matter vibrates at some frequency, which can then be detected using either a dowsing rod or the human body as a tuning fork. A dowser can use questions to gauge which answers resonate or dissonance, with or against vibrational patterns of their answers resonating or dissonating accordingly.

Pendulum Dowsing

Pendulum dowsing involves using a pendulum to locate answers for questions we have about ourselves and the world. It is believed that our subconscious holds all the knowledge we require, and the pendulum helps form a link with it through its movements. Common uses for pendulum dowsing include divination, locating objects and water sources, energy healing (balancing chakras), gender determination of unborn babies, finding lost items or psychic phenomena and supporting decision making processes.

Prior to any dowsing session, it is recommended to clear and cleanse both yourself and the pendulum of any negative energies through meditation or other means such as smudging with sage. This will enable a more open dialogue with the subconscious mind. Meditation also offers great benefits as it calms your mind, enhances concentration and fosters intuition.

First step to pendulum health dowsing: determine its polarity if it swings clockwise (positive), anticlockwise (negative). With that information in hand, begin dowsing for health using pendulums to locate organs and determine their state of health – and correcting an unhealthy organ through broadcast treatment if indicated by pendulum swinging in either direction.

Many people use dowsing to gain answers to personal queries such as their relationship status, career path, financial prospects and spiritual development. Answers can often be obtained simply by asking their pendulum yes or no questions; if an individual is unhappy with the response they received they can try reframing it for different results.

Pendulum dowsing can provide an in-depth study of the human body by assessing specific organs, glands and chakras with pendulum dowsing. Results can then be interpreted to reveal hidden feelings, motives and desires that lie dormant beneath. Some find this data particularly helpful for uncovering root causes of certain illnesses as well as which remedies would best treat them; certain websites and pendulum books also offer charts to measure this health indicator.


Though the radiesthetist may use numerous instruments, two stand out as particularly valuable. First is the radiesthetic analyser – its name speaks for itself! Used to assess patient health by measuring small voltage fluctuations caused by injury. A radiesthetic examiner could use it to locate damaged tissue by placing the analyser nearby and monitoring how it responds to an applied voltage.

As soon as a radiesthetic practitioner assesses an illness, they first seek to understand what factors contribute to its presence. Testing will include infection detection, nerve and glandular health status evaluation and vitamin/mineral deficiency testing as well as bone integrity. They will also conduct checks for adequate circulation and bone health along with checking for all sorts of psoric states as well as diseases not covered by standard homoeopathic materia medica treatments.

A radiesthetist will then select a remedy which he believes will go some way to relieving symptoms in their case, without necessarily adhering strictly to homoeopathy principles. Once chosen, he’ll use his analysis of radiation-induced syndromes (RAIS) to decide how best to administer it and to check that none important conditions were missed in their symptomatology list.

Medical radioesthetists may eventually work closely with mental hospitals, and may soon provide broadcast treatments that prove effective against neurosis and psych choneurosis. A radioesthetic examination might detect lack of vitality or an inability to transmit impulses which could then be treated through radionic rate therapy.


Radionics posits that organs and diseases possess specific energy frequencies, which can be measured with instruments. By transmitting or broadcasting these frequencies, imbalances which lead to illness can be corrected more efficiently; using this technique healing energies can be sent anywhere worldwide regardless of distance.

Radionics practitioners utilize dowsing techniques and instruments to ascertain the frequencies in an individual’s energetic field, commonly referred to as their aura, which is believed to be responsible for physical and emotional ailments. Chakras support our body throughout our bodies. Radiesthetists may utilize various means such as kinesiology, acupuncture and clairvoyance in order to detect frequency imbalances within individuals’ energetic fields.

As opposed to medical diagnosis, radiesthetic diagnosis focuses more on uncovering the forces responsible for disease rather than matching individual cases to specific disease pictures.

Though the forces responsible for health are still being explored, radionics is thought to help restore balance and harmony to various fields that impact them – eventually leading back to normal, healthy physical states for body.

Radionics practitioners utilize various devices that fall into two main categories, known as broadcasting or receiving. Broadcasting devices transmit energetic frequencies while receiving devices analyze and detect them. Radionics practitioners may also employ pendulums to locate any imbalance within an aura that needs treating with various vibrational remedies.

Some vibrational remedies include herbal products, mineral compounds or animal extracts; however, most are energy therapies. Common energy medicines include liquid adrenalin and other etheric substances; energy therapies are marketed as being effective at treating human, animal and plant health and wellbeing while being more eco-friendly than chemical medications. Radionics has even been subject to conspiracy theories suggesting its involvement as part of an elaborate global control scheme by shadowy elites.

March 24, 2025|Editorial

Chinese Medicine and the Kidneys

low kidney energy chinese medicine

Kidney essence is an inner energy that determines our resistance to illness and vitality, serving as the basis for life itself, much like that of seeds or eggs.

Jing can be replenished through meditation and reflection on one’s purpose in life, however when its levels decrease due to lifestyle choices it results in Kidney Yin Deficiency.


Chinese believe the kidneys to be a source of deep reserve energy and an integral component of maintaining good health in their bodies. Kidneys help regulate fluid metabolism and filter the blood, strengthening bones, protecting lower backs, and supporting spleens while supporting overall Yin-Yang balance within our bodies.

TCM associates kidneys with water elements, and Winter, the season associated with them in TCM, serves to symbolize this relationship – winter being when life’s natural cycle of events comes to an end and new beginnings emerge; similar to when Spring reemerges. Furthermore, kidneys serve as major sites for the transformation of jing (see below).

TCM views the Heart and Kidney as two closely-related organs that work in concert to maintain proper Yin-Yang balance in the body, also known as their harmonious relationship or pattern of coherence between fire heart and water kidney. If these relationships become disharmonious it may cause various symptoms which are difficult to identify from an analytical viewpoint but easily recognized through Chinese medicine’s lens.

Deficient kidney yin fluid prevents it from evaporating upward and restricting an overactive heart yang qi, leading to headaches, dizziness and tinnitus; tongue ulcers; sore and tender lumbar areas and knees may result. Furthermore, deficient kidney yin fluid fails to nourish brains and ears properly and could manifest as forgetfulness.

Foods that nourish the Kidneys include seaweed, shellfish, most beans (black, kidney and most varieties), dark green vegetables, avocados and sweet potatoes. Although salty-flavored foods are also beneficial to kidney health, too much regular table salt may contribute to excess Kidney yin. Because water element is linked with kidney health it is particularly important to drink plenty of clean, fresh water every day.


If your extremities feel cold and you experience back and knee pain when temperatures cool off, this could be a telltale sign that your Kidney Yin has become deficient – a condition commonly observed by TCM practitioners due to prolonged stress, poor diet or menopause.

Yin is all about moisture, so eating an array of moist foods is crucial to kidney yin’s wellbeing. Furthermore, kidney yin relates to your deep reserves of nutritional reserves in your body so be wary of overeating cooling foods which can extinguish fire and instead prioritize warming foods like miso, millet and brown rice.

Chinese medicine associates each organ system with its own specific taste; in this instance, kidneys are associated with salty foods. If you crave salty snacks often it could be an indicator that your Kidney energy requires extra support.

Ear troubles related to your Kidney meridians such as deafness or tinnitus may also indicate low Kidney energy. Fear, phobia and panic attacks could be telltale signs that something is amiss with the kidneys; since fertility and reproduction depend heavily on them. If this issue arises it would be wise to address its cause quickly.

Disharmony between the heart and kidney can manifest itself in two forms; first is excessive heart fire activity with deficiency of yin; this causes symptoms like vexation, insomnia, palpitations and dream-disturbed sleep; secondly occurs when kidney yin deficiency chokes off heart yang leading to dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness and soreness in lumbar region and knees as well as frequent seminal emission feverish palm sole chest feverish palm sole feverish sensation feverish sensation feverish sensation feverish sensation in palm soles soles chest night sweats constipation deep yellow urine dry mouth thirstyness red tongue with scanty or no coating and thready rapid pulse.

Foods rich in dark color such as berries, blackberries, mulberries, black beans and black sesame seeds are highly beneficial to kidney health and can alleviate symptoms such as ear problems, headaches and high blood pressure.


Kidney energy is at the root of our spirits, so when its level drops we may struggle with expressing ourselves authentically and may experience feelings of emptiness, lack of passion or drive and motivation to move forward in life. Additionally, these individuals tend to react fearfully in certain situations and experience it uncontrollably; these symptoms could indicate that Kidney energy has been suppressed and needs to be released in some form.

Treatment for Kidney Yin Deficiency typically entails nourishing and replenishing its energy sources – this may involve acupuncture, herbal medicine or lifestyle adjustments such as diet or dietary modifications to restore their reserves. Acupuncture is often employed to stimulate blood flow to the kidneys as well as to tone up their energy reserves; in certain instances a person with Kidney Yin Deficiency might even receive Chinese herbs to alleviate symptoms associated with their condition.

Herbs like coptis rhizome (Coptis trifoliate) and donkey-hide gelatin can help to balance your Yin energy, reduce water retention, and help the body release waste products more efficiently. If you are experiencing extreme sweating, cornus officinalis How and oyster shell (Ostrea giggas) can also be used to warm the kidneys and stop sweating excessively.

To nourish their Yin energy, those with weak Kidneys are advised to avoid caffeine, alcohol, spicy foods and processed sugars; drink lots of water – especially filtered or spring water; naturally salty foods can also benefit the kidneys as their taste resonates well with this organ; getting adequate sleep in a peaceful environment; as the kidneys govern bones it’s also vital that adequate protein and calcium intake be included in one’s diet – excellent sources include fish, poultry, legumes nuts and seeds for example.


Kidneys contain some of the body’s deepest reserves, including nutritional stores. Therefore, eating foods which nourish and moisten can help support them, although excessively cooling foods should be avoided as this can deplete Yin, leading to heat imbalance.

As with other organs, Kidneys need regular nourishment from salty-flavored foods in order to stay healthy during wintertime. Eating foods shaped like kidneys (like beans) are particularly nourishing to their needs and sea salt should be used instead of commercial table salt for optimal results.

Kidneys store Jing (Essence), regulate water metabolism, and are vital in reproduction. Patterns like Bladder Damp-Heat (urinary urgency, dark urine) may be treated using points like Bladder 23 and formulas to drain Damp-Heat like Ba Zheng San.

March 24, 2025|Editorial

Biohacking Adderall and Donepezil

biohacking adderall

There are countless people out there looking for ways to enhance their lives and optimize performance – they’re known as biohackers.

Attaining wellness involves optimizing both body and mind through diet, supplements, exercise and restful sleep; taking nootropic drugs to increase productivity may also prove effective.

Supplements and drugs can be very costly, with potentially severe side effects.

What is Biohacking?

Biohacking refers to human enhancement techniques that aim to increase focus, enhance cognitive functioning, and slow the aging process. Such practices could include anything from taking supplements for brain health improvement or nootropics for productivity boost. Most often though, these practices cannot be proven and should be seen as experiments on oneself.

Some biohackers turn to these techniques in order to manage personal difficulties such as anxiety or depression; others simply seek ways to enhance their overall quality of life. Furthermore, biohacking techniques have also proven helpful when used as part of recovery programs for addiction and mental health conditions; for instance, rehabs offering nootropics such as Adderall and IV drip therapy may assist patients in controlling cravings while increasing overall wellness.

Biohacking takes many different forms, with some common themes including food, exercise and sleep routine experimentation to improve mood, energy levels and athletic performance. Other approaches may involve monitoring or controlling bodily functions such as blood sugar or heart rate with technology or implanting chips or magnets underneath their skin to unlock doors or pay for coffee purchases.

Though biohacking carries its share of risks, many believe it necessary in order to overcome some of the shortcomings of modern medicine. Some biohackers believe self-DNA manipulation could provide personalized therapies for cancer and other illnesses; others note the excessive cost of pharmaceutical drugs or lack of cures for chronic debilitating conditions as reasons why biohacking may be necessary.

How do Biohackers Increase Their Productivity?

Biohackers are people who utilize various techniques and technologies to manipulate their body in order to enhance performance and overall health, including fitness, nutrition, sleep, cognitive enhancement, smart drugs or supplements (known as nootropics ) which may help increase focus, work faster or increase memory – however these substances should only ever be taken under medical advice.

Biohackers strive to maximize human potential and become their best selves through diet, exercise, sleep and nootropics. In order to do this effectively, biohackers assess their current state and then make gradual lifestyle changes until determining if a change has made an impactful difference in progressing or not.

Biohackers may use sleep trackers to monitor how much they’re sleeping and make adjustments accordingly, such as going to bed earlier, taking a daytime nap, or forgoing caffeine before sleep time. They then measure how these changes impact performance and well-being.

Biohackers may experiment with different supplements and research chemicals that are unregulated, often with potentially serious side effects. Still, biohackers strive for excellence and will do whatever it takes to reach their goals – as seen with Chris Dorsey who consumes one meal daily while fasting on weekends, sleeps eight hours every night, uses sauna sessions as detox treatments as well as ice baths as part of his workout and diet regimens.

What are Nootropics?

Nootropics are chemical compounds and natural supplements designed to improve concentration, memory and mental clarity in healthy people. Nootropics range from synthetic drugs like amphetamines and modafinil to plant-based substances like Ginkgo biloba and Bacopa monnieri as well as amino acids, vitamins (B6, B12 D K) fish oil supplements and herbs; while prescription drugs like Adderall and Donepezil can also help.

Since supplements are not subject to FDA oversight like prescription medications are, it’s possible that some supplements do not deliver what their labels indicate. Therefore, when purchasing nootropics it’s wise to do your own due diligence by consulting with an appropriate healthcare provider or registered dietitian nutritionist (RD or RDN).

Nootropic users often customize their own “stacks” of supplements and drugs to find out which combination best meets their needs. These combinations can get quite complex; many are designed to work synergistically for better brainpower boosting. One popular biohacker on Reddit claims they became morning people through taking amino acid L-Arginine combined with Ginkgo Biloba extract and Bromelain found in pineapples to increase circulation and boost immunity.

Some neurohackers take neurohacking to extremes by abusing medical-grade stimulants like Adderall to improve focus and cognitive function. Such practices can be potentially life-threatening; before undertaking such practices yourself, always consult a qualified healthcare provider first.

What are the Side Effects of Nootropics?

Nootropics may help enhance productivity and learning abilities, but their side effects can be dangerous if misused. When taken incorrectly, nootropics may interfere with sleep patterns and cause long-term hormonal shifts that have detrimental effects on health and the mind; additionally, some supplements may contain high doses of certain ingredients or be contaminated.

Nootropics refers to an umbrella term for chemical compounds and natural substances known to enhance cognitive performance, including prescription medications like Adderall and Ritalin used to treat ADHD as well as modafinil used for helping with narcolepsy or other sleep disorders, along with modafinil for helping those suffering with sleep disorders such as narcolepsy. Nootropics also encompass herbal supplements like L-Tyrosine or Bacopa Monnier as well as nutritional supplements including Acetylcholine, Creatine Fish Oil or Ginkgo Biloba among many others.

Silicon Valley companies have recently begun marketing nootropics (brain supplements) to the biohacker community, even offering consumer-friendly chewable cubes with coffee flavors for chewing. Nootrobox hopes its products may eventually reach convenience stores near cash registers and eventually make an appearance there as well.

Nootropics is a growing industry as more and more people look for an edge at work, yet no safe dosage exists; even over-the-counter supplements may contain harmful side effects or could become addictive substances. Therefore, before trying any mind-enhancing substances or supplements it’s wise to speak to a medical provider beforehand.

What is Adderall?

Adderall is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, two central nervous system stimulants used to increase focus while decreasing impulsivity. It has been FDA-approved as an ADHD treatment and may also help manage narcolepsy symptoms.

Amphetamines may produce serious side effects, including changes to your heart rate and blood pressure, chest pain and loss of consciousness. People with heart conditions should consult their physician prior to taking Adderall to monitor for these adverse reactions, especially as alcohol-mimicking medication such as Adderall may amplify these side effects. Also keep in mind that drinking too much while on Adderall could amplify them further.

Adderall XR and short-acting Adderall are available by valid valid prescription only and classified by the DEA as Schedule II drugs, meaning it has a high potential for misuse and abuse. Abuse includes snorting or injecting it, which could lead to overdose or death; those with histories of substance use disorders are particularly at risk for dependency or abuse of this drug.

Short-acting Adderall has been FDA-approved to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. It can increase alertness and help control impulsivity for people living with ADHD while controlling sleep-wake cycles in those suffering narcolepsy. Doctors also often prescribe Adderall to treat other conditions like treatment-resistant depression.

Adderall can be taken at an effective maximum daily dosage for most adults: 60 mg. Your doctor will monitor you closely to avoid side effects, and determine the appropriate dose based on age, weight and condition. Adderall tablets should be swallowed directly upon awakening or every four to six hours as prescribed; its extended-release capsule version should only be taken once daily in the morning.

March 24, 2025|Editorial

Learn How to Access Life-Force Energy For Self-Healing

quantum healing richard gordon

Discover new human abilities while opening yourself up to what’s possible with tapping into and amplifying life-force energy to heal yourself and others. By learning this ancient art form you will unlock life-force energy to access its healing effects on both yourself and others.

Richard Gordon specializes in self-healing and bridges the gap between ancient wisdom and modern science. He devised an efficient method to identify emotional causes for health conditions as well as modify fundamental limiting beliefs.


People across cultures and millennia have long relied on energy healing techniques to balance their bodies’ energies, with practitioners using such practices to support natural healing processes and ease pain and distress. While scientific validation may still be limited, quantum healing has recently seen growing popularity within mainstream medicine circles.

Quantum physics emerged in the early 20th century to challenge classical Newtonian physics. According to quantum physics principles, both energy and matter consist of waves and particles connected together through forces like superposition; changes to one will instantly impact changes elsewhere – even across vast distances! Furthermore, The Observer Effect suggests that our consciousness impacts reality around us; thoughts and intentions have the power to shape it directly.

Quantum healing operates under these principles and seeks to heal at an energetic level by targeting the source of illness and imbalance, clearing blockages in body’s energy pathways and encouraging life force energy (qi) flow through these energy paths. Disruptions to this flow have been linked with disease and disharmony; with quantum healing using techniques like acupuncture, tai chi and qigong used to increase it and restore health.

Quantum healing draws heavily upon ancient traditions of Eastern spirituality for its practice and theory base, such as acupuncture, tai-chi and kundalini awakening. Other contemporary sources include books like Fritjof Capra’s “The Tao of Physics,” David Bohm’s “Wholeness and Implicate Order,” and Lynne McTaggart’s “The Field.”

Quantum healing has become an invaluable adjunct to traditional medical therapies, as it addresses energetic imbalances which may contribute to illness. Quantum healing may provide immediate symptomatic relief while speeding up healing time; furthermore it may reduce anxiety and stress which often contribute to illness.


Quantum healing practitioners use quantum healing to manipulate your life force into balance, enabling its natural ability to heal itself. Quantum healing may help reduce pain, speed up recovery from injuries or reduce anxiety – or simply provide an overall feeling of wellbeing and vitality.

Learn to do energy healing yourself using just a few basic techniques. Often referred to as “energy healing,” but also comprising yoga and meditation practices which focus on energy work. Energy healing techniques can be used both self-heal as well as assist others, and are capable of treating many different conditions effectively.

Quantum healing differs from many traditional forms of treatment in that it does not involve using special equipment or training for its practice. Furthermore, this form of medicine can also be done remotely and on both physical and emotional levels.

Quantum healing‘s most-cited advantages are pain relief, improved digestion, emotional stability and vitality increases as well as an overall more balanced outlook on life. Furthermore, quantum healing may even strengthen immune systems and cellular health – making it an excellent addition to any wellness plan.

Quantum healing can be used to treat a range of conditions, from minor headaches and muscle tension to chronic illnesses like cancer and depression. It can even help alleviate medication side effects or speed healing post surgery – so while quantum healing may prove helpful in many instances, it’s still essential that any prescribed treatments for your specific illness continue as directed.

Richard Gordon is an internationally recognized pioneer in energy healing. A best-selling author, he has taught this revolutionary method to thousands of students worldwide and regularly serves as an invited guest speaker at medical centers and universities worldwide. Richard also developed numerous innovative techniques, including Self-Created Health which enables people to quickly detect and resolve emotional causes of health problems quickly.


Quantum healing differs from traditional medicine in that it addresses the source of imbalance rather than simply treating symptoms of illness. Quantum healing seeks to promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing by balancing life force energy of the body – including breathing and visualization techniques to accelerate natural healing abilities; the practice draws on centuries of holistic healing wisdom such as Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda as well as quantum physics which recognizes that body is both physical and energetic in its nature.

Quantum healing practitioners use hands-on energy work and visualization techniques to release any blockages in the body’s energy field, while also using its natural healing processes to bring equilibrium back. Quantum healing not only promotes physical wellbeing, but it can also heal emotions and enhance mental clarity for increased emotional healing, better relationships, increased self-confidence and reduced anxiety levels.

Quantum Touch is an easy, accessible technique that anyone can learn at home or integrate with other healing practices like acupuncture and qigong. Gordon discusses its wider implications in his book Quantum-Touch; specifically advocating for an ecocentric society built upon love as well as acknowledging all living organisms’ interdependence.

Richard challenges your limits of healing in Level 2, teaching you to visibly align a person’s hips and cranial bones using light touch alignment techniques, which reduce pain rapidly. He also presents advanced principles of resonance and entrainment, enabling you to address multiple areas simultaneously.

Experience a powerful blend of online teachings and practice for transformation within an thriving global learning and healing community. Led by energy healing pioneer and best-selling author Richard Gordon, senior Quantum-Touch instructor Tyler Odysseus and practitioner Deborah Gair – each session builds harmoniously upon itself to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of this remarkable healing system.


Quantum healing is a holistic healthcare practice that blends principles of quantum physics with spirituality to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. This process involves identifying imbalances in energy fields to stimulate natural healing processes within the body as well as learning to utilize personal life force energy to self-heal.

Quantum healing offers numerous advantages for physical pain reduction, emotional balance and mental clarity improvement. Additionally, quantum healing may assist in alleviating anxiety, stress and depression symptoms and serves as an invaluable aid for those living with cancer or chronic conditions who want to reduce side effects from chemotherapy/radiation treatment.

As such, more people are turning to quantum healers for assistance with emotional and physical needs. Some prefer in-person services while others use video conferencing platforms for virtual sessions; either way it is important to find someone whose practice fits perfectly with your goals and practices.

At these sessions, your practitioner will analyze your body’s energetic field to detect blockages and imbalances before working together with you to clear these away through energy work such as meditation, breathing exercises or visualization. Furthermore, their hands may also be used to clear away blockages in your energy field.

After each session is completed, your practitioner will give you instructions for continuing your healing at home. These tips may include what steps should be taken if any side effects occur and how you can ensure your body is receiving enough energy.

Richard Gordon is a pioneer in energy healing who has published five books about Quantum-Touch. Additionally, he created Self-Created Health as a system to identify emotional causes behind health problems and shift limiting beliefs.

Gordon discusses his experiences with quantum healing on this episode of Uncover Your Magic. He talks about miracles he has witnessed as well as ways that you can experience more miracles yourself. Furthermore, Gordon discusses ways of connecting with your innate healing powers as well as loving yourself unconditionally.